Thursday, January 8, 2009

Could it be?

I have not been feeling good for a couple of days. So obviously, my mind starts to wonder....could it be because this time I am actually pregnant? Or could it be because of the evil Clomid that a lot of the time it seems to mimic pregnancy symptoms. I hate that stuff!!! My patience is incredibly short today and CW#1 is riding it hard! Her crisis is apparently supposed to be my emergency and it really isn't. There are way more important things that what she is needing.

Yesterday morning, I found out that a guy I know (actually I know his wife more) unexpectedly passed away. He was very young. Had been married I think for 11 years and they have 2 small children. He was in the hospital to have some heart tests run and died in his hospital bed of a heart attack while on the phone. It is still not quiet sinking in that this has happened. So on the grand scale of things......a lot of what is going on really doesn't matter. So why do I let it get to me?

I am praying that by the end of next week, I will have that BFP. A girl that I know that had a miscarriage a couple of weeks after I did just announced that she is almost 2 months along. I am very happy for her, but very sad and even a little angry at the same time. I am soooo sick of feeling this way. Why is so easy for some people to have children (and I am NOT saying that it was easy for her), and then there are those of us that for whatever reason, just can't!

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