Friday, March 20, 2009

It was a success!

SIL#1 had her pregnancy test yesterday.............POSITIVE!!! She is pregnant!!! She is now scheduled to have an u/s in three weeks. After 3 rounds of IVF she if finally pregnant. I am now praying that nothing happens. After her first round, she tested positive and the next day discovered that it was ectopic. I am so incredibly happy for her. They have been married close to 20 years. Can you imagine having baby after being married that long??????

As you can see I am trying to remain upbeat. I AM very excited about her having a baby. I AM also incredibly sad that it isn't me. After 1 day I have already noticed that things are going to change. SIL #1 is my MIL's only daughter. Even though she already has grandchildren, it is going to be different with this child(ren). When I talked to her yesterday, she could hardly contain her excitement. She was soooooo not like that when I was pregnant (either time). It makes me sad for DD and her cousins. I pray that it doesn't show too much with them, but I am already scared that it will (and we have only known for 1 day).

I just took my last dose of Femara for this month. I bought a new box of OPT for be to begin with this weekend. I have had a horrible headache for 2 days now and I am just flat out in the dumps. Doesn't really make me want to attempt the business of conception (if you know what I mean). I feel like I am starting to become obsessed with having a baby. I have GOT to get a grip on all of this and find a happy medium. DH and I are starting to rub each other the wrong way and I know that most of it is ME!!! are you doing??? I'm thinking about you and wishing you the best!!! Still praying......

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