Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fair Weather Friend

I think I have determined that is what GF is....a fair weather friend. I literally have not had a real conversation with her in over a month now. Since then, I have called her a couple of times, left messages and she never calls back. A few weeks ago, she called late one evening while I was putting DD down for bed. She was calling me about something she received in the mail and what she should do with it. I told her what I thought, told her I was trying to get DD to go to bed, but she just kept jabbering. Not about anything that was going on in her life, or how I was, but just about the stupid stuff she was writing on the return piece of mail. I finally got her off the phone almost an hour later. Fast forward almost 3 weeks to yesterday. My phone rings and I see that it is her. I am currently in the middle of something, so I just let it go to voicemail. This is the message I got..."Hi just me, this is GF. Give me a call when you get this message." That was it. Now I had left her a couple of messages, so I thought, well, maybe she is just finally calling me back (days, weeks later). I finally got a chance to call her back once I was off of work. Her husband answers the phone. She is not home, but he says he knows what it was about. It was again about that stupid piece of mail from 3 weeks ago. I answered his questions and when he asked me is he should have GF call me back, I told him that if that was all she needed from me, not to bother.

I could not believe how mad I was. I cannot believe how much it bothers me. We are supposed to be going on a trip together in a couple of months, but I so very much would love to cancel. I just really don't want to be around her right now. And the bad part is, we are friends with a lot of the same people. I know what will happen......she will keep the friends and I will be the odd one out. But you know what........I think a part of me is ready for that. I do have my family, I do have my BFF and I know I can go make new friends. I just really need people around me that would like to know how I am doing and will ask me occasionally. I am tired of always listening to other go on and on and on about the stupid things in their life that is bothering them and never once asking about what might be going on in mine. I have always been know for being a good listener. I am tired of listening!!!!!! I am tired of hearing all the complaining about how their DH didn't come home at a certain time and help clean the house. Don't tell me!!!! You are a SAHM and you only have one child at home during the day. Your DH works set hours and is usually home by 4:00 in the afternoon. Imagine if you worked full time. Imagine having to leave work, rush to get your children picked up by a certain time, rush to the store (or stores) to get your errands done, rush home, get children occupied, cook dinner, clean kitchen, do laundry, help with homework. EVERY NIGHT!!!! And while you are attempting to get all of that accomplished your are trying to maintain relationships and you are TTC!!!!!! So GF, I will be going on the trip with you. But once we return to our daily lives, don't expect me to help you with a holiday party, don't expect me to help you with your children's parties. I want to be your friend 52 weeks a year, not just the weeks when you have no one else to complain to or when you need a flunky to help you get something done. Call someone else! Or you could always start a blog and then you can complain and vent to nobody like I do ;-) you think the Clomid is affecting me just a bit.

1 comment:

Leslie Laine said...

Just read this post about your GF and can completely identify. I feel like a lot of my relationships have been dramatically tested over the last year, and many of them have not withstood the trauma of IF. I'm moving on, but when I read your post, it brought back a lot of the disappointment I sometimes feel about people who want you to be there for them, but then when you need something, they're nowhere to be found.

I totally get it.