Friday, October 17, 2008


If I make it through today, I will have made it through another week. I would like to say that my mood improved during the course of the week...........and it did.................only to pretty much go back the way it was on Monday. I really don't know if I can blame it on the drugs or not. But between the Clomid, the mess at home, the DH that doesn't seem to want to help out and the CW's bickering and complaining all the time, I think I am about to lose my ever loving mind.

Calgon..............take me away!

At least it is Friday..................THANK GOODNESS!!! There is no coming to work tomorrow and I am praying that I will feel better tomorrow and actually get myself up and out of the house. Or at least off the couch. I have so much to do and so many things I want to do. I would really like to pack up some more of my DD's older clothes and get them put away. I would like to get the living room cleaned up and there are some stains on the floor that I really need to tackle. And then there are ALL the leaves outside. Oh the joys of living out in the country. Fall leaves. I promised DH that I would help him this year get them all up. DD will have fun out there with us this year "helping", so it would be something we could do as a family. Plus, I really want to take her to the pumpin patch since we haven't done that yet.

You know, just getting this all out, I am feeling better right now and I would love to go home and actually do some of this. Too bad I have to stay at work and earn a living so I can pay some bills!


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